8" Antique Singing Bowl in G
Size: 8 in.
Age : 18-19th century
Music Note : G
Beautiful sounding with an impressive large size and beautiful engravings, this antique singing bowl has a unique appearance and a beautiful deep tone. Complex and warm, it can play a variety of sound effects and warbles - experiment with your playing tools. The engravings are similar to the Special Engraved bowls but this example was made much later, perhaps an attempt to match other bowls with the ancient geometric engravings. These engravings were made with a circular punch, a different tool than its predecessors from hundreds of years earlier. Similar to the flared singing bowls in shape, it is also not quite one of those. Perhaps it was made in the same shop as the flared bowls, 100 years later. I would have to classify this bowl as a reproduction, although a reproduction made about 200 years ago. Very interesting to see how the antique makers carried on the craft of their ancestors.