Ringed Antique Singing Bowls


      The most perfect singing bowls ever made. Ringed singing bowls are what I call a small group of special antiques made by perhaps the greatest ever master of the craft. I cannot say for sure if it was one person, but I call him the Master Maker. An artisan of immense skill, he lived around the 15th century and made only a small number of bowls.

      The antique singing bowls in this category share the hallmarks of this amazing artisan. They have the most perfect shape, exquisite engraved lines around the rim and perhaps the best sound of any singing bowl in history.

      18 products

      Why are antique singing bowls so much better?

      Fine antique singing bowls were made more finely than any made today. The fine hammering and better symmetry make antique bowls sound better.

      The aging process also improves the tone. As the bowls age, they sound more and more mellow. The vibration becomes more and more relaxing.

      Nothing sounds as beautiful as an antique singing bowl.

      Small, Medium, Large

      Click a category to explore the collection by size. Additional filters let you explore by age and music note. Use the Compare feature to listen to your favorites together.

      The Most beautiful sounds

      Antique singing bowls have a sound and vibration unlike anything in the world. Experience the most peaceful and beautiful sounds known to humanity.

      Unparalleled Quality

      The Singing Bowl Museum is home to the finest antique singing bowls in the world. No other collection comes close to the size and quality represented here.


      Experience before you buy. These amazing sounds are not manipulated or edited in any way - my bowls really sound this great! Recordings are a single strike with a soft mallet.