The Singing Bowl Museum, 24 years in the making

The Singing Bowl Museum, 24 years in the making

Welcome to The Singing Bowl Museum, the most amazing collection of early antique singing bowls, dating up to 1,000 years old and the culmination my round the world collecting begun in 1998.

With hundreds of antique singing bowls representing many of the best types ever made, this is the defining collection of antique Himalayan singing bowls. I personally hand selected every piece in the museum, from the large collections that were available in Nepal to the top collections in the USA, Europe and Canada, I traveled the world to assemble this remarkable collection, which scholars have said is the best such collection in the world.

Join me in exploring the rich history, artistry and amazing sounds of these special singing bowls. My examination of thousands of singing bowls has given me a unique understanding. I studied in a dozen countries, worked with museum and university experts, metallurgists up to the Archaeological Metallurgists at Oxford's Department of Materials. 

More than a collection of antiques, this is a journey into history and spirituality for the objects represent something bigger than themselves. The sounds they produce have a special power to calm the mind and relax the body. The vibrations produce a special feeling and clear the air of other stray vibrations, making every environment feel peaceful. More than that, the sonic energy reminds us of the energy in all life. The fading vibrations remind us of the cycles of life. Singing bowls are powerful teachers through their beautiful sounds, vibrations and presence.

I first conceived of The Singing Bowl Museum within the first few years of creating Himalayan Bowls.

After 21 years of successfully leading the singing bowl industry, supporting dozens of workers making new singing bowls and other imports, I passed Himalayan Bowls to a new owner in 2022. The new owner Patrick is committed as I have been to the workers in Nepal and maintaining the highest quality for the products they produce. I am now free to focus on my educational work and spiritual practice.

I hit a lot of "firsts" with Himalayan Bowls in the early years of the internet. I was the first person to record singing bowl sounds for the internet. I built the first singing bowl shopping cart, recorded the first informational videos about singing bowls, wrote the first factual history of singing bowls. My work continues now with The Singing Bowl Museum.

Over 20 years ago, I pushed the limits of the internet by faithfully recording the singing bowls and creating a sonic experience for everyone who visited. Now I wonder how far can we push the internet? What is the furthest use of this communication device? I believe the sounds and my teachings in a live context can be very transformative. Therefore, I will focus on live events and videos designed to give you a positive experience in your life. 

The museum is my outlet for creativity and teaching Tibetan Buddhism. I will host musical events, live talks, teachings as well as Buddhist empowerments that I am qualified to share.

For over 20 years, this has been a labor of love for me. As many people have pointed out, I have an unusual relationship with the bowls. I was called to build this collection. My work allows me to tell the history of these magical objects. Join me and discover all we can about the mystery and wonder of sound, the continuity of culture and the power of present awareness.

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