Sound healing, frequencies and the real magic of antique singing bowls

Sound healing, frequencies and the real magic of antique singing bowls

Recently I've noticed people getting more caught up in the mystique of sound frequencies when it comes to choosing a singing bowl or for any sound healing instruments.

People think it’s about the frequencies, yet when you focus on frequency, the results are usually mediocre, even negative. You certainly don’t get the transformations we experience with the antique singing bowls. Why is that?

It seems as if people believe the frequency is what causes a good feeling or healing response. People are looking for the special healing or spiritual frequencies, whether related to chakras, taken from Pythagorean theory or the various made up magical ideas about frequencies which seem to be proliferating.

I think this is a misguided approach. In fact, I never measured singing bowl frequencies for years. While the musical note may be an important factor to you, frequency is not the secret sauce people seem to believe it to be.

The most special sound instruments are antique singing bowls. Nothing else is so relaxing, soothing, mysterious and simply beautiful. A good antique will make you melt, put a smile on your face, make you feel better and sleep better, transform the whole environment and more, just with a simple tap. The antiques are really great.

They are so great that the whole sound healing craze started with antique singing bowls. They set the highest standard and I’m sure there would be no such thing as sound healing today without them. No other instrument has their remarkable power to transform self and environment. New singing bowls have become popular only because the antiques impressed people so much for years.

I know many people now work with crystal bowls and other instruments. If you’ve never worked with really excellent antique singing bowls, you’ve never experienced the real magic, sorry. Other instruments are wonderful - I love all kinds of instruments. But nothing does what antique singing bowls do, not even the best new singing bowls made similarly to the antiques. Only the antiques have this instant healing power that literally changes peoples’ lives.

The point is this: It’s not the frequencies that make antique singing bowls special. Then what is it?

As I've said for 25 years, the musical note is not the most important factor in sound healing. If the frequency was the imporant factor, all sorts of sounds would affect your health and wellbeing. You are constantly exposed to all sorts of frequencies and they do not have any discernable effect. In fact, our biology is resilient to being affected by frequencies. You absolutely can vibrate tissues with sound frequencies. However the assumption that such vibration has a healing effect is false.

Let me say that again: the assumption that sound vibrations have a healing effect is false. We do not heal by being vibrated. We heal by internal processes. Frequency is vibration and vibration is movement. Simply moving your tissues with vibration does not create any benefit. In fact, as I’ve written in my blog, passively vibrating tissues can have a negative effect. This is why I think crystal bowls are not healing and not suitable for use.

So, sound healing is not about frequencies vibrating tissues. Then why is there any benefit? Why would having a singing bowl at a specific musical pitch be any better than a piano or guitar? If it were about the frequencies, it wouldn't be any better. You get the same frequencies, the same vibrations with any instrument. If it were just frequency, there would be no difference between a crystal bowl and an antique singing bowl. However there is a huge difference. What causes it? Why do antique singing bowls do something that other instruments don't do?

There is something more subtle and special happening with the antique singing bowls. They really are spiritual objects and can connect us to a very mysterious and wonderful part of life. There is something going on besides just the sound and it seems to point to the spiritual mysteries of life.

Antique singing bowls are not only sounding a musical pitch. They are not just simple musical indtruments. They are special antiques with the feeling and presence that great antiques tend to have. If you have ever been in an ancient church or a special museum, you know what I mean.

There is something spiritual about old places and old objects that you can really feel. While that feeling can sometimes be creepy, with the singing bowls it is a wonderful, peaceful quality that makes you feel comfortable and calm. They are also vibrationally very special, imparting a smooth and wonderful feeling. It is a quality unique to the antiques.

The antiques vibrate in a special way, transmitting their ancient message of peace and tranquility. It is as if their whole history is brought forward in time, bringing a peaceful experience into the now.

Everyone smiles when they first hear the antiques and everyone wants to hold them. The experience is so moving and enjoyable, it can be spiritually awakening. You feel something special with antiques which is not about the musical pitch.

Whether it is their spiritual essence, the science of molecular physics or just the unseen nature of sound, we do not really know.

But I know from my 25 years of collecting the world’s best antique singing bowls: they do something that no other instrument can do. Their spiritual vibes really transform you and your environment, for the better.

They create peace; simply and instantly. That’s what sound healing can really be: authentic, simple, direct and meaningful. It is wonderful and observable to anyone who experiences it. It requires no explanation or unusual theories. It simply is and remains one of the wonderful mysteries of life.

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