how to use a singing bowl

How To Use A Singing Bowl

Singing bowls are wonderful tools for meditation and everyday wellness. The sound produced by a good quality singing bowl is instantly relaxing and calming. At the same time, they are very centering and uplifting. Plus they make any environment feel wonderful as they clear out stray vibrations in the air and fill the air with their beautiful harmonies. 

Playing a singing bowl even for a minute provides a great break to your day, gives you the chance to tune in to yourself and the world around you, take a breath and reset your personal experience. 

Singing bowls are used in meditation because they have such a power to calm and center the mind. Instant meditation is possible when you ring the bowl and listen to the tone fade. 

To begin, sit comfortably and hold the bowl in both hands. Feel its weight, temperature and color. Be present with your experience before you play the bowl. Take a few breaths and let out a sigh or two. Sighing is the universal relaxation trigger. Simply sigh and let go. Relax your belly, relax your arms and hands. Hold the bowl gently and feel its organic shape.

Gently strike the bowl sideways near the rim. A common mistake is to hit the bowl low down on the side but the strongest tone will come from hitting it at the rim. Likewise make sure to hit it sideways, not from above. A clear sideways strike at the rim will bring out the full tone.

A soft cloth mallet is best for striking the bowl. Wood or leather mallets are better for playing around the rim. If you only have a wood mallet, wrap a piece of cloth or yarn around it until you get the desired sound. Three layers is usually enough. Gong mallets can also be used with great results if they are the appropriate size for the bowl. 

The size and diameter of the mallet is the most important factor in getting a good sound. If the mallet is too thin or lightweight, the low tone will not ring as strongly. The full volume and length of tone may not be achieved.

Singing bowls can also be played around the rim by applying constant pressure and moving the mallet slowly around the rim. Watch my video playing instructions to learn how to play around the rim. 

The traditional way to play the bowls is to strike them. Often they are struck two times in quick succession, then a slight pause and two more times in quick succession. This is the way meditation sessions begin and end in meditation halls.

I have also seen singing bowls used as collection vessels in temples. In these instances, the bowls are played more constantly, with two strikes in quick succession followed by a short pause played over and over.

A preferred way to play singing bowls at home is to strike it once and listen to the sound fade. It is a simple practice that is very enjoyable and beneficial. Multiple bowls are often combined and played in succession.

Sound healing practices will often use several bowls. If working with another person, you can place the bowls on or around them so they feel he vibrations directly. This is one of the essential practices in sound healing.

Singing bowls can be held while played or left on a soft surface. A cushion works well to amplify the sound into the room. However, the best way is to place the bowls on a carpet on top of a wood floor. This way you can feel the vibrations through the floor. 

When I started collecting singing bowls, my home was a Victorian era cottage made entirely of redwood with oak floors. When I got several bowls vibrating in this space, it was as if the entire cottage became a speaker box. The whole place vibrated and felt wonderful. This is the ideal situation for experiencing the bowls.

Singing bowls are extremely flexible and can be incorporated into any meditation, spiritual or group process. They are used by feng shui masters, acupuncturists, yoga teachers. They are found in churches, hospitals and classrooms. They are wonderful for PTSD, anxiety and self improvement.

The more detailed information below is excerpted from The Singing Bowl Book:

Everyday use

People often ask me, “what kind of people use singing bowls?”  Over the years I have found that there is no specific type of people who like singing bowls.  Everyone seems to like them.  They appeal to anyone who love the sounds and people who want a nice object for their home.  My customers come from all walks of life, from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia.  One thing we all have in common is that we love the sounds.  Everyone can appreciate the ease of playing singing bowls and their immediate positive effect. 

They are beautiful decorative objects with the added advantage of improving our lives and environment.  Singing bowls are wonderful to keep in the home or office.  The vibrations transform any environment, making a room feel wonderful.  The vibrations of a singing bowl effectively stop stray vibrations in an environment.  Singing bowls literally clear the air of extraneous vibrations which we can feel on a subtle level.  They make any environment more peaceful and calm.  They fill the air with vibrations and counteract other vibrations in the room, such as lingering agitation from arguments.  Playing a singing bowl every day will help you cultivate a more relaxed and aware attitude.  They counteract our strong emotions, too. 

They are not just for Buddhists or spiritual people.  Singing bowls do not require much technique to play; it takes only a tap to experience these immediate benefits.  They are humble bowls which have a wonderful ability to make beautiful sounds. The sounds bring peace and joy to all who hear them.  We detect the vibrations not only by hearing, but also by feeling.  The vibrations have a wonderful soothing effect which is immediate and lasting. 

Take five minutes every day to play a singing bowl and you will know what I mean.  People are endlessly creative in how they use singing bowls.  There are many uses for these vibration machines.  People are only beginning to understand and utilize the power of sound in many fields.  Here are some of the common uses for singing bowls.


Singing bowls are most often used in meditation.  Singing bowls deepen the experience and help people quickly enter a meditative state.  The sound and vibration bring about a feeling of calm, peace and tranquility.  The experience heightens awareness of ourselves and our environment.  The tone is very calming.  At the same time, it is energizing and wakes us up.  Singing bowls are ideal for meditation because they help us relax and focus at the same time.  Meditation is about awareness and not limited to Buddhist beliefs. 

Many traditions use meditation, prayer and contemplation to raise awareness, deepen understanding and bring us closer to the divine.  This is the reason I created Faith Bowls with Jewish, Christian and non-religious designs.  Whether spiritual or not, any activity that requires one to focus and concentrate can be aided by a singing bowl.  This is the reason singing bowls have become popular in schools.  Meditation is a great way to start the day or relax before sleep.  A quick meditation in the workplace is refreshing and can help generate ideas.  Singing bowls quickly facilitate the process of deepening and energizing our meditation and concentration.

The benefits of meditation on health and intelligence have being studied by scientists and scholars in recent years.  There is clear evidence that meditation is beneficial for health, problem solving, stress management, emotional wellbeing and more.  While research has not been conducted specifically related to singing bowls, people who work with singing bowls can attest to the immensely beneficial effects.  Singing bowls help to create the mental and physical space for a successful meditation session.  They function as a signal bell and help create a peaceful environment.  The sounds immediately calm our minds, deepen our feeling and broaden our perspective.  Singing bowls help cultivate an easy and enjoyable practice.  The gentle sounds counteract the literal and figurative noise of everyday life.

Traditionally, one singing bowl is played at the beginning and end of a silent meditation session.  This is the easiest way to use singing bowls to enhance meditation.  Simply strike the bowl and allow the tone to ring.  Listen as the tone rises and falls.  Allow yourself to relax as the tone fades.  In a meditation hall, the bowl may only be played once or twice in quick succession.  For your personal practice, you can play it as many times as you wish.  The singing bowl can be played at the beginning and end or repeatedly through your meditation time.  You can even do a sound meditation with several singing bowls, slowly playing different tones and letting them reverberate.  The sound of multiple singing bowls mingling together is particularly beautiful.  Just make sure not to lose sight of the goal of meditation to cultivate awareness and awaken our true nature.  Do not get so busy playing the bowls that you forget to attend to your own state of mind.  

A small singing bowl can be used anywhere as a meditation tool, so they may be ideal for the workplace or any small room.  Medium sized bowls are ideal for personal meditation.  They sound similar to a human voice and produce a full vibration.  Large singing bowls are the most powerful, so they are the best for groups and anytime you wish to fill a room with sound.   

Sound healing

Singing bowls are one of the main tools used in sound healing.  Sound healing is a field which uses sound to help people in a recovery process.  Sound healers use sound and vibration in a variety of ways to help people.  Many types of doctors and therapists use singing bowl sounds as part of a patients recovery.  While conventional doctors and therapists use singing bowls as a secondary support to their work, sound healers use them as their primary tool.  They believe sound itself has the power to heal or that it can activate our natural ability to heal.  I believe the sound helps trigger our internal systems of self regulation, thereby improving the efficiency of our healing process.  Sound healing is enjoyable and helpful, but it is not a miracle cure as some people hope.  In its current form, sound healing will not cure diseases or correct serious imbalances in health.  High tech uses of sound are very far reaching, including ultrasound and new techniques of sonic surgery.  The effects of singing bowls or other acoustic instruments are more subtle. Sound healing patients report an experience of relaxation and newfound calm.  

Sound healing is a new field which is just beginning to get noticed.  In the future, sound healing will become a more important form of alternative health practice.  Serious courses of study and university degrees are now offered.  For now, it is a very small community of pioneers who are discovering new uses for the invisible world of sound.  Singing bowls are one of the preferred tools in sound healing.  With a set of singing bowls, almost anyone can enter this therapeutic field.  It is an enjoyable experience for participants and completely non-invasive. 

For anyone interested in sound healing, it only requires some good singing bowls and the creativity to work with them.  If you already have a singing bowl, find some friends or family to practice with and you will be on your way to doing sound healing.  Start with short 15 minute sessions.  Simply place a bowl on a persons belly or chest and let them feel the vibration.  Or place a group of bowls around a person to surround them with vibrations.  The feeling is wonderful.  

The results can be simply relaxing, but they may experience some real benefits.  Sound healing clients report reduction in back pain, headaches and other health issues, as well as a great feeling of contentment, relaxation and wellbeing.  For many people, working with singing bowls is a huge stress reliever, helping them relax, enjoy time with others, sleep well and in general feel better about life.  While sound healing is not a miracle cure for disease, it helps our system of self regulation and may trigger other health benefits. 

Feeling the vibrations stimulate us to feel.  By activating feeling receptors in the muscles and skin, singing bowl vibrations allow our brains to make regulatory adjustments, improving our overall state of being.  This can reduce tension, headaches and other everyday ailments.  Many believe sound improves brain function and some even theorize that our nervous system conducts sound rather than electricity.  The gentle vibrations may also stimulate movement of fluids and could help cells function more efficiently, removing toxins.  The full range of benefits are not yet known.  In the future, sound healing may be seen as essential as good nutrition.  It is clearly beneficial, gentle and enjoyable.

Religious Congregations

The practice of using singing bowls in non-Buddhist congregations has grown in recent years.  Clergy members from various faiths use singing bowls with their congregations.  The sound of a singing bowl is truly magnificent in an open room and adds a special element to any service.  They may be used as a call to unify the congregation at the beginning of ceremony.  They may also be used to begin and end periods of prayer and meditation.  The warm and gentle tone of singing bowls add a special dimension to any spiritual activity.  Singing bowls enhance prayer by making participants feel more calm and centered.  It is as if the tones mirror the inner intentions of the prayer, which was my idea when I created Faith Bowls, which feature a symbol combined with an inspiring word.  Singing bowls also provide a musical note which can unify voices.  If a group is chanting or singing together, they can use the singing bowl as a tuning pitch.  The result is a group that sounds wonderful, praying or singing in unison and in tune with one another.  More and more churches use singing bowls.  It may be a surprising element in Christian services, but they are becoming more common and accepted.  For those who have never experienced the sound, it can be both surprising and delightful.

Some people criticize the inclusion of singing bowls in religious services.  They feel that new rituals are being created with foreign objects.  Others retort that all ritual implements had an origin somewhere and many well known objects were borrowed from Asian cultures.  Church bells, which have been used in virtually every part of the world for centuries, were also borrowed from Asia.  A singing bowl is just another type of bell. Singing bowls are acceptable in most religions and are becoming popular in churches and temples.  They are tools which help unify a group and aid individual reflection.  Congregations utilize singing bowls because they are useful and beneficial tools.  Singing bowls are not sanctified or blessed in any way and most are not decorated with religious iconography.  Some are decorated with Buddhist symbols, which may be inappropriate for some people.

In Judaism, meditation has been part of mystical traditions for centuries.  In the 20th century, some forward thinking Rabbis reinvigorated the practice of Jewish meditation.  They studied Zen Buddhism and introduced specific meditation practices to their teachings, incorporating distinctly Buddhist techniques into Jewish contemplative practices.  I studied with Rabbi Lew who was one of the founders of this modern Jewish meditation movement.  His teachings were very elegant, simple and true to Judaism.  Such practices reinforce one’s faith and help deepen one’s awareness.  Whatever your religion, singing bowls can help you become more aware of your own state of being and place in the universe.  They help one contemplate the message in the religion and bring a more loving and generous attitude to fellow congregation members.

As a sleep aid

Some people use singing bowls to help fall asleep and to help their family get to sleep.  Playing a singing bowl slowly for a few minutes is very relaxing.  It can help one reach a deep state of calm and fall asleep more easily.  I get emails from grateful parents who play them for their children.  They tell me their kids not only sleep better but that their mood and concentration improves.  For adults, playing singing bowls before sleep is a blissful experience.  Couples enjoy playing them for each other.


Singing bowls are beloved by musicians and can be heard on many recordings.  Modern classical composers incorporate singing bowls in their compositions.  Jazz, rock and world musicians use them as accents and sound effects.  I regularly hear the sound of singing bowls in movie and TV soundtracks.  Singing bowl sounds provide an exotic touch to any genre of music.  Singing bowls have been featured in compositions and played in concert halls in the USA, Europe and Asia.  I am proud to say my singing bowls have been played in several university and professional concert halls.  In fact, my bowls made it all the way to Lincoln Center.  Listen closely to the next movie you watch: you may hear a singing bowl in the background.

Vocalists also love working with singing bowls.  The bowls are inspiring to use with the voice.  Singing bowls can help one to learn overtone singing extremely quickly.  Perhaps our brains are able to hear the bowl overtones and discover those tones in our own vocalization or perhaps it has something to do with sympathetic resonance, the tendency for like tones to vibrate together.  Whatever the reason, people with no experience can often learn overtone singing in a few minutes with the help of a singing bowl.

There are many recordings featuring singing bowls as the main instrument.  Singing bowl albums by myself, Karma Moffett and others are popular for background music.  Meditation and yoga albums feature singing bowl sounds.  Some recordings use the bowls on their own, others combine singing bowls with other instruments or voice.  

I have recorded several singing bowl albums, including meditation music as well as digital classical music. 


Thousands of school teachers use singing bowls in the classroom in a variety of activities.  They are wonderful for getting students’ attention and as an announcement bell.  Some teachers teach mindfulness with singing bowls, introducing children to short periods of meditation and reflection.  They teach sharing with singing bowls, getting kids to play with the bowls cooperatively or make playing the bowl a special reward.  They use the bowls to signal a change in activity or as a gentle way to signal ‘pencils down.’ They can also be used as a teaching tool to explain scientific principles, such as the mechanics of sound and wave theory.  In a creative teacher’s hands, the possibilities are unlimited.  Dozens of activities have been created by teachers to get children involved and engaged with the help of singing bowls.  There have been books written for using singing bowls with children, filled with exercises to try with kids.

Special needs children

Parents with special needs children find singing bowls helpful.  I have received inspiring emails from parents whose children are diagnosed with ADHD, autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other special needs, from mild to severe.  Parents report that the sound of the bowls help children to be more calm, settled, happy and focused.  They are grateful to find something that makes their child happy and responsive.  In extreme cases, some parents see a response from a child who is usually unresponsive to any kind of stimuli.  Some kids who are not able to play other musical instruments can successfully play a singing bowl and enjoy the experience of hitting the bowl and getting an immediate result.  Such direct success can be very meaningful for a special needs child.  Parents and children enjoy playing them as an activity together.  The singing bowls give special needs children something that sounds beautiful, feels great, facilitates concentration and is easy to play.

Medical professionals

Health professionals increasingly use singing bowls with their clients and patients and are only beginning to understand the benefits.  Doctors, psychologists, massage therapists, speech therapists, hospice workers and other health professionals use singing bowls in a variety of interesting ways.  I discovered singing bowls when I read the book The Healing Power of Sound by Mitchell Gaynor, M.D.  Dr. Gaynor is a cancer specialist who uses singing bowls to help his patients in recovery.  I highly recommend his book to catch a glimpse of the mysterious power of sound as it relates to health and wellbeing.  It is filled with interesting stories and useful information about sound and our ability to heal.  Dr. Gaynor’s book sparked my original question, “What is a singing bowl?”

Acupuncture and other alternative health practitioners

I once consulted an acupuncturist who uses singing bowls in her treatment rooms before every client.  She says the sound and vibration helps to restore the peaceful feeling of the environment.  Singing bowls have the ability to cancel out unwanted vibrations, making an environment feel clear and calm.  They also help individuals feel calm and relaxed.  Some acupuncturists use them during sessions.  From the point of view of the acupuncturist, the bowls help the flow of energy.  From the point of view of the clients, the bowls help them feel more calm and relaxed.  Other alternative health practitioners use singing bowls.  Reiki practitioners and other energy workers love the subtle effects of the sound vibrations.  The ability to provide vibrations directly to the client with singing bowls is beneficial in many contexts.


Singing bowls are commonly found in yoga studios.  Meditating on the sound of a singing bowl is a wonderful way to end a yoga session.  The relaxing sounds help complete the experience.  Many yoga teachers like to incorporate sound during their classes and singing bowls are the best instruments for this purpose.  Some singing bowl players partner with yoga teachers and play background sounds during a class.  Singing bowl recordings are great for yoga.  Before, during and after the session, singing bowl sounds provide a perfect support.

Feng shui

Feng shui practitioners and other interior space professionals use singing bowls for space clearing and more.  Feng shui is concerned with the energy of a place.  Singing bowls can be used during a feng shui consultation for space clearing and improvement of energy flow.  They can also be chosen as a feng shui cure, which is an object kept in the environment for ongoing improvement.  Instruments like bells, chimes and flutes are common choices for a musical cure.  Singing bowls are another excellent option.  I have worked with world class feng shui practitioners who have been amazed by the special way singing bowls improve an environment.

Esoteric practices

Depending on one’s beliefs, singing bowls can be useful tools in spiritual practice.  Sound is the actual movement of energy and can be utilized in many ways.  One creative esoteric use for singing bowls is for spiritual cleansing, such as cleaning books, crystals, other objects or an environment.  Sound is traditionally understood to be a gateway to the spiritual world.  Spiritual practitioners use sound to bridge between their everyday life and their spiritual practices.  People tell stories of helping lost spirits find their way to the light or helping release people from this world when they pass on.  Some say they use sound to entertain spiritual beings or for spiritual travel.  Whatever one’s beliefs, there is a great deal of mystery in life and likewise a lot of mystery with sound.  Many stories of profound spiritual experiences surround the use of singing bowls.  Such experiences can be life changing.

Scientific experimentation

In recent years, singing bowls have been put to use in scientific laboratories.  They have been used to create mathematical models to explore wave theory and as tools for studying the properties of sound.  Perhaps the most promising experimentation has been to study the effects of the bowl vibrations on dispersing water particles.  This research helps scientists understand fluid dynamics and has practical applications in aerosol sprays and fuel injection.


These are only some of the possible uses for singing bowls.  While most people enjoy the sound at home and want a personal bowl they can play every day, others are using them professionally in innovative ways.  Doctors, therapists, artists, clergy and others have found many creative uses for singing bowls.  Working with sound is an exciting field. 

We do not yet know the extent of what can be done with sound and vibration.  I believe in time we will better understand the nature of sound and find even more creative uses for these marvelous vibrational tools.  Future experimentation will bring about some very interesting discoveries.  Professionally and personally, there are many applications for singing bowls.  We respond to the sound on so many levels and the vibrations enhance our lives in many ways.  Singing bowls fit as easily into a classroom as a living room. 

Singing bowls truly transform any space and improve group and individual activities.  The pioneers working with singing bowls will continue to find new and interesting uses for them.  Try something new with a singing bowl yourself and see what you discover.  The sound is immediate and the effects of the vibrations are long lasting.  There is a special power to singing bowls to bridge between the physical world of our senses and the more subtle invisible world which is more difficult for us to detect.  The subtle effects of singing bowls on the environment are invisible, yet palpable.  We feel the invisible power.  

Sound is a literal transfer of energy through the air.  For this reason, the warm sounds of a singing bowl have a real effect on us and our environment.  Sound is vibration.  Vibration is movement.  Movement is life.  We know something is alive because it moves.  Vibration organizes matter.  Movement is a constant and vibration is found moving the very smallest particles.  When physicists study the smallest particles, they still detect vibration.  At the very heart of everything, there is a tiny vibration, a sound. 

Movement is the constant that allows the universe to occur.  It is the essential element in the very fabric of existence. If we understand that sound and vibration are the same, then everything is sound.  This is the real secret of singing bowl sound.  Their complex yet warm vibration interact with the nature of life and bring a smooth, gentle and beautiful quality to our very existence.  This is their true gift.

Playing instructions

Playing singing bowls is both invigorating and relaxing.  The warm tone, gentle vibration and multiple harmonic overtones are a delight.  Give yourself this little gift every day.  It is also a wonderful opportunity to share something special with others.  You can play them in group mediation, in the classroom, yoga studio or for family.  For religious people, singing bowls can be used as part of daily practice.  For the health conscious, they boost our well-being factor.  Think of the sound as an offering for the benefit of others.  It really is a gift.

Singing bowls are bells.  Like all bells, they produce a full ringing sound when struck.  The best tone is produced by striking the side of the bowl, high up at the rim with a soft mallet.  They can also be played by rubbing a wood, leather or plastic mallet around the rim.  By keeping constant contact and pressure while circling the mallet around the rim, the bowl will emit a continuous singing sound.  The various harmonic tones of a bowl can be emphasized by playing around the rim.  Each singing bowl is unique, and the best playing techniques are discovered by practicing with an individual bowl.  Here are general guidelines.  Please be sure to watch the demonstrations in my free instructional videos.

Striking a singing bowl

When striking a singing bowl, it can be held in the hand or left resting on its cushion or any soft surface.  When holding a bowl, keep it flat on your palm with fingers away from the metal, or hold it up on all five fingertips.  Avoid gripping the sides of the bowl because touching the sides will dampen the sound.  Only make contact with the bottom of the bowl.  Take care not to drop it because singing bowls are fragile.  Be careful when striking it that the bowl does not get knocked off of your hand, which is a real risk with some small bowls.

A mallet that is too large can make a small singing bowl sound too metallic.  A mallet that is too small does not bring out the full range of tones in a larger singing bowl.  The soft cloth brings out the best tone.  For large singing bowls over nine inches, I recommend a heavier beater, similar to a bass drum beater.  Striking a large bowl with a beater allows the full range of tones to sound.  Many singing bowls are sold with only a bare wood mallet.  Striking with bare wood produces a more metallic tone and emphasizes the higher harmonics.  A mallet padded with cloth is preferable.

Hold the mallet firmly but gently.  Relax your arm and make sure your wrist is able to move freely.  The ideal action is with a free wrist that allows the mallet to bounce back slightly after the impact.  Where you strike the bowl makes a huge difference in the sound.  Strike the bowl from the side, right at the rim.  If you strike it too far down the side of the bowl, it will not vibrate fully.  Make sure you strike it right at the rim.  Make sure you strike it at the correct angle.  The best sound is made striking directly sideways.  If you strike it downwards, hitting it from above, it will not vibrate much at all.  

The harder you strike it, the louder and more powerful the resulting tone.  If you strike it too hard, the tone can become metallic and unpleasant.  If you strike it too softly, the tone sounds weak and unimpressive.  Find the middle ground where you give it a firm strike, allowing the full range of tones to sing clearly.  Try it several times because people are often surprised how hard they can hit a bowl.  Do not hit a bowl too hard with bare wood because the sound will be piercing.  Always use a cloth covered mallet for the best sound.  There is no risk damaging a bowl with a soft mallet.  Singing bowls do not break from normal playing, only from being dropped or by having objects dropped into them.

By turning the bowl around and striking different areas of the rim, the tone will vary.  One spot will have more warble than another.  Usually the low tone will warble or one of the harmonics will warble, depending on where you strike the bowl.  The pitch will shift when struck in different places.  Many singing bowls can shift up to half a tone.  There is quite a bit of variety to be discovered, so experiment with striking at different points around the rim.

Most singing bowls have a "sweet spot.”  This is the spot that will sound the most clear, steady and smooth.  There is usually less warble at the sweet spot and the harmonics sound the most balanced.  Turn the bowl in your hand until you find the sweet spot.  Some singing bowls do not have a pronounced sweet spot, especially the thicker ones.  Some people mark the sweet spot with ink so they can find it easily the next time.

By varying the way you strike the bowl, you can vary the resulting tone.  Striking it more gently obviously produces a softer tone.  Striking it more forcefully creates a louder tone and can also make the bowl sound more clear.  Striking too hard can result in a harsh and metallic tone.  Varying the angle of the stick can produce a slightly different tone.  Angling the stick and hitting it more from above sounds more percussive and with a shorter ring.  Striking it with a very loose wobbly grip will vary the sound slightly, too. 

Experiment with striking the bowl at many different points around the rim, various angles and with more or less force.  You may be surprised by the results.  Striking one way will emphasize the low tone, striking another way will emphasize the second or third harmonic.  Striking one way will produce more warble in the low tone, striking another way will bring out a strong harmonic warble.  Striking a bowl fully, then tapping it lightly will alter the tone.  With practice, you can control how the harmonics ring and produce a wide range of sound effects from a single singing bowl.

Antique singing bowls on average ring for about 40 seconds, the best ringing for a minute or more.  Some singing bowls ring for only 30 seconds and others for over a minute.  New hand hammered singing bowls typically ring slightly longer and some can ring for a very long time.  New hand hammered singing bowls are generally louder and have a more metallic sound.  Antique singing bowls sound more mellow, with a smooth and pleasant vibration.  Older antiques sound the most smooth and mellow.

Playing around the rim

Singing bowls can be played around the rim with bare wood or a leather wrapped mallet.  Playing with wood emphasizes the high harmonics while leather emphasizes the low tones.  Soft cloth does not work playing around the rim.  The soft wool mallet or large beater is for striking only.  The cloth cannot make sound by rubbing.  Wood, leather, or alternative materials like synthetic leather, plastic and metal can be used to play around the rim.

Hold the bowl in your hand, either flat on your palm or balanced on fingertips.  Hold the mallet against the outside rim of the bowl.  Hold the mallet firmly but gently.  Do not overly tense your hand and wrist.  Relax your shoulders and keep breathing.  

Experiment with your grip.  I prefer to hold the mallet like a pencil, with my fingers pointing downward.  Some people prefer to hold the mallet with all fingers gripping it, like you would a mixing spoon or baseball bat.

It is the pressure that makes the sound.  You must keep constant contact with the rim.  Hold the mallet at a slight angle and contact exactly at the edge of the rim.  Slowly run the mallet around the bowl while applying constant even pressure.  Do not stop the movement and do not let up on the pressure.  If the sound does not rise, there is probably a place in your rotation where you let up on the pressure slightly.  This is usually at the far side of the bowl, where you must extend your arm more to reach.

Keep your hand low on the stick with your knuckles close to the rim of the bowl.  Many people hold their hand several inches above the rim of the bowl which makes it more difficult to play.  Ideally your hand is very close to the metal and you move your whole hand around the rim of the bowl.  Do not keep your hand in one place and circle only the mallet as it is not possible to generate the correct pressure in this manner.

If the bowl makes a rattling sound, slow down and apply more constant and even pressure.  The rattling sound is the result of the wood vibrating against the metal.  As the metal is vibrating back and forth, it requires a little pressure to keep the contact.  Usually people hear the rattle at the same point of movement around the bowl.  This is the point where they let up on the pressure slightly.  When the bowl rattles the vibration cannot build to a strong intensity.

Go slowly and listen to the sound rise.  If you keep even pressure, the vibration will gradually build to a strong tone within a few seconds.  Some bowls vibrate very readily and sing immediately.  Some take several seconds, especially if the bowl is more thick.  The sound will continue to grow until the bowl will sing at its fullest volume.  At this point of full vibration, go slower to keep the sound playing continuously.

With practice, you can vary the speed and have full control over the sound.  Go slower to make the tone less intense, go faster to increase the intensity.  Reduce the pressure to reduce the intensity, increase the pressure to get it singing more strongly.

If you let up on the pressure, the singing will stop.  In that case start over, slowly building the vibration.  With very few exceptions, all good quality singing bowls will sing around the rim.  If you are unable to make a bowl sing, it is some problem with technique or an incorrect size mallet.  Almost always it is due to lack of steady pressure.  Usually people hold their hand too far away from the rim and go too fast.  It takes some practice.  Once you get it the first time, it is easy to do it again.  To see examples of playing singing bowls around the rim, watch my free video playing instructions online. 

Experiment with the angle of the mallet.  Look for a balance of speed, pressure, and angle where the bowl sings fully, rising and falling, vibrating continuously and joyfully.  You may be surprised by how slowly you can go.  Especially when the volume is at its peak, go very slowly to keep the sound going.  If you go too fast, the vibration of the metal will become too strong to continue.  Vary the speed to keep the vibration going at a nice level.  When done well, it is possible to sing the bowl for any length of time.  

Tips to Remember

Hold your hand close to the rim.  If your hand is several inches above the bowl, it is difficult to apply enough pressure to make it sing.

Go slowly.  It is the pressure that produces the tone and not the speed.  Slow down and apply even pressure all the way around.  Often people let up on the pressure in one spot of the rotation.  

If the bowl rattles, slow down and apply more even pressure.  That rattling sound is the stick vibrating against the bowl.

If the tone starts but then fades quickly, there may one spot where you let up on the pressure.  

When the sound rises, apply more pressure.  Catch the sound like riding a wave.

Try different sized mallets and different types of mallets.  Larger bowls sing better with a thicker diameter mallet.  

Wood emphasizes the higher overtones, while leather brings out the low vibration better.    Some singing bowls work well with wood but poorly with leather.  Some bowls work well with leather but poorly with wood.  Experiment to find out what your bowl can do.  

Some bowls will not play around the rim.  These bowls are only useful for striking.  Really singing bowls are meant to be struck.  Playing around the rim is an additional fun technique but not essential.  I rarely play bowls around the rim.  I much prefer striking with a soft mallet.

Playing large singing bowls

Large bowls have a wonderful grounding quality.  Large singing bowls produce the deepest sounds available in a singing bowl.  However, some are higher pitched with amazingly clear and full voices.  The slow vibration of a large deep bowl is very calming and instantly relaxing.  The clear tone of a higher pitched large bowl fills the room better than any other.  Large bowls come in a range of tones over about three octaves.  The size of the bowl, thickness of the metal and extra tension created by a shaped rim will determine the pitch.  Thinner bowls sound deeper.  Bowls with a shaped lip sound higher.  Very low bowls are great for meditation.  These are the bowls people often compare to monks chanting.  A higher pitched large bowl is better for a group or a large room because the sound fills the room easily and has a more uplifting quality. 

Most large antique singing bowls are about 10 to 11 inches in diameter.  Antiques are never larger than 13 inches diameter.  New singing bowls can be made in very large sizes, up to 3 feet across.  Large singing bowls can range in weight from 3 pounds to 10 pounds or more if the size gets very large.  They can feel heavy if held for a long time.  The sound of a large bowl travels downward as well as sideways, following the profile of the bowl shape.  They are ideal to keep on a wood floor with carpeting, where the vibration will be clearly felt through the floor even while it fills the air.

When placing a bowl on a hard surface, use a cloth or cushion to prevent friction.  A singing bowl cushion works well.  The donut type cushions with a hole in the middle help prevent the bowl from sliding around and allow vibrations to travel through the hole.  If your bowl tends to slide around, use a piece of rubberized shelf liner between the bowl and the cushion.  I like to keep large bowls on a carpet so the maximum vibration is transferred to the floor.  Most of the sound travels sideways, so the vibration will always fill the room no matter how the bowl sits.

To play a large bowl around the rim, you can leave it on the cushion or hold it in your hand.  Hold a large bowl flat on your hands in front of you.  Hold it at the level where it feels easiest; around chest level, in front of your belly or resting in your lap.  Experiment holding it at different levels and notice how the vibration feels.  

Multiple large bowls provide a powerful vibrational experience and the tones can span three octaves.  Place them around you for a surround effect.  Have friends or family lay on the floor surrounded by large bowls for a sound healing session.  The vibrations can be clearly felt, like a gentle massage.

Large singing bowls are the ultimate for improving an environment.  Just keeping a large singing bowl in the room improves the quality of the environment, even if it is not played.  Playing one counteracts stray vibrations in the air and makes the room feel wonderful.  While smaller bowls may need to be moved around to fill a room, large singing bowls can be left in the same place.  The vibration will easily fill most rooms.

Playing medium singing bowls

Medium singing bowls are the most common and range from six to eight inches in diameter.  Medium singing bowls offer the best balance of an easy to hold size and a full vibration.  Medium sized bowls are the ideal choice for an all around personal singing bowl.  They produce a tone most similar to a human voice.  They are commonly used in sound healing because they are easy to work with and comfortable.  The vibration can be clearly felt, but the size and weight make them comfortable on a person’s body.  The range of tones is pleasant for clients and can easily be combined into a harmonious set.  Hearing and feeling several medium bowls together is a wonderful experience.  A nice set produces a complex symphony of vibrations.

Hold a medium bowl on your fingertips, or flat on your palm.  Be sure not to touch the sides of the bowl, which will dampen the sound.  Playing around the rim can emphasize one of the harmonics.  Striking the bowl brings out a more balanced tone with a blend of the fundamental and harmonics.  They really sound like singing.  

If the bowl is very thin, go slowly when playing it around the rim.  The vibration can quickly become too powerful and prevent continued playing.  A slow speed counteracts this effect.  If the bowl is very thick, more pressure and time is required to make it play around the rim.  Almost all singing bowls will play around the rim with the correct diameter mallet.  Some extremely thick bowls cannot be played around the rim because the metal is too thick to vibrate with pressure.

Playing small singing bowls

Small bowls range from three to six inches.  Small singing bowls are the ultimate for portability and travel.  Small singing bowls can produce the highest pitches.  Very thick small bowls produce remarkably high tones.  However, some small singing bowls are thin and produce surprisingly deep tones.  Small singing bowls can be challenging to play around the rim, especially very thick antiques.  The smaller size and thickness creates greater tension, which can make the metal less responsive to the pressure of the mallet.  Some small bowls are very lightweight.  Be careful a lightweight bowl does not fly out of your hand when you strike it or play it around the rim.  Hold a very small bowl on your fingertips with the fingers spread slightly for easier balance, or keep the fingers together and let the bowl rest on the flat surface of your fingers.  To counteract the tendency for small bowls to move, it helps to move both hands.  Gently press the bowl against the mallet as you press the mallet against the bowl.   

The more refined vibrations of small singing bowls are excellent to use around the face in sound healing practice.  A group of small singing bowls produce a shimmering effect that is uniquely beautiful.  They come in a wide range of tones and make wonderful sets for music and sound healing.  Small bowls can be used alone or combined with larger sizes.

For more info and to learn about the history and manufacture of singing bowls, please pick up my book here: The Singing Bowl Book

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